ESE ES-247E Quad 1×6 Sync DA

Provides four independent 1×6 Video DA’s in a single rack-mount enclosure. Each DA has loop-thru inputs and six isolated outputs, all accessible via BNC connectors.


Provides four independent 1×6 Video DA’s in a single rack-mount enclosure. Each DA has loop-thru inputs and six isolated outputs, all accessible via BNC connectors. Screwdriver-adjustable Gain and Equalization controls are provided on the front of the case. Up to 1000 feet of cable may be compensated by adjusting the EQ trimmer. The Gain control provides an overall signal level adjustment of – 2 to +3 db. When the input is not looped thru to other equipment, a 75 ohm terminator should be used on the free input connector. Unused outputs need not be terminated.


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